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Antiseptic & Antibiotic

  • BZK, Alcohol, and Povidone Iodine Towelettes
  • Creams, Ointments and First Aid Pump Sprays 
  • Neosporin®, Medi-First®, Safetec®, and Water-Jel® 

Displaying products 1 - 30 of 35 results
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P.A.W.S. Antimicrobial Wipes (Box/100)
P.A.W.S. Antimicrobial Wipes - Box / 100
Price: $10.00 per box
P.A.W.S. Antimicrobial Wipes - Box / 100
Ideal for hand sanitizing when soap and water are not available
Water-Jel® Burn Jel, 4 oz Bottle
Water-Jel® Burn Jel, 4 oz Bottle
Price: $11.70
Water-Jel® Burn Jel, 4 oz Bottle
Convenient 4 oz Squeeze Bottle
XeroBurn Burn Gel 6/unit
Price: $1.75
XeroBurn Burn Gel  6/unit
Dynarex XeroBurn Burn Gel is a fast-acting gel formulated with Lidocaine to help relieve the pain and irritation of minor burns, sunburns, and insect bites.
Box of 200 sterile alcohol prep pads
Alcohol Preps, Medium, 200 per Box
Alcohol Preps, Medium, 200 per Box
Box of 200 sterile pads
Antimicrobial Hand Wipes, 6 per unit
Price: $1.10 per unit box
Antimicrobial Hand Wipes, 6 per unit
5" x 8" Alcohol Gel Wipes
Antiseptic Spray, 2 oz - Water-Jel®
Price: $4.95 each
Antiseptic Spray, 2 oz - Water-Jel®
2 oz. Pump Spray
Antiseptic Spray, 2oz Bottle - Dynarex
Price: $2.00 each
Antiseptic Spray, 2oz Bottle - Dynarex
Dynarex DynaSafety Antiseptic Spray 2oz
Burn Spray, 2 oz.
Price: $5.91 each
Burn Spray, 2 oz.
2 oz. Pump Spray Bottle
Burn Spray, 2oz - Dynarex
Price: $2.00 each
Burn Spray, 2oz - Dynarex
Dynarex DynaSafety Burn Sprays 2oz
BZK Antiseptic Towelettes, 10 per unit
Price: $1.20 per unit box
BZK Antiseptic Towelettes, 10 per unit
10 individually wrapped towelettes per single unit box
BZK Antiseptic Towelettes, 20 Per Unit
Price: $1.80 per unit box
BZK Antiseptic Towelettes, 20 Per Unit
10 individually wrapped towelettes per double unit box
Dynarex Triple Antibiotic, 0.5g Packets, Box of 144
Price: $10.00
Dynarex Triple Antibiotic, 0.5g Packets, Box of 144
Box of 144, 0.5g packets
First Aid Burn Cream, 10 packets per unit
First Aid Burn Cream, 10 pkts per unit
Price: $1.99 per unit box
First Aid Burn Cream, 10 pkts per unit
Topical analgesic and antiseptic
First Aid Burn Cream, 12 packets per unit
First Aid Burn Cream, 12 pkts per unit
Price: $2.25 per unit box
First Aid Burn Cream, 12 pkts per unit
Topical analgesic and antiseptic
First Aid Burn Cream, 25 pkts per double unit box
First Aid Burn Cream, 25 pkts per unit
Price: $3.07 per box
First Aid Burn Cream, 25 pkts per unit
Topical analgesic and antiseptic
First Aid Burn Cream, 6 packets per unit
First Aid Burn Cream, 6 pkts per unit
Price: $1.20 per unit box
First Aid Burn Cream, 6 pkts per unit
Topical analgesic and antiseptic
First Aid Burn Cream, Box of 144 Pkts
First Aid Burn Cream, Box of 144
Price: $12.00 Box of 144
First Aid Burn Cream, Box of 144
Topical analgesic and antiseptic
 First Aid Burn Cream, Bulk bag 400 packets
First Aid Burn Cream, Bulk bag 400 packets
Price: $30.99 Bag of 400
First Aid Burn Cream, Bulk bag 400 packets
Topical analgesic and antiseptic
Hydrocortisone Cream - 6 Pkts per unit box
Hydrocortisone 1% Cream - 6 Packets/ Box
Price: $1.59 per box
Hydrocortisone 1% Cream - 6 Packets/ Box
Unit Box of 6 - 0.9g packets
Hydrocortisone Cream, 0.9g packets
Price: Available in box of 25 or box of 144
Hydrocortisone Cream, 0.9g packets
Available in box of 25 or box of 144 packets
Hydrogen Peroxide Spray, 2 oz.
Price: $4.00 each
Hydrogen Peroxide Spray, 2 oz.
2 oz. Pump Spray Bottle
Neosporin® 1 oz. tube
Neosporin® 1 oz. tube
Price: $16.25 each
Neosporin® 1 oz. tube
An antibiotic treatment for scrapes, cuts, and burns
Neosporin® 0.9g packets
Neosporin® Box of 144 Packets (0.9g each)
Price: $73.77 Box of 144 Packets
Neosporin® Box of 144 Packets (0.9g each)
Fast and effective antibiotic treatment of scrapes, cuts, and burns
Povidone-Iodine Pads
Povidone-Iodine Pads, Box / 100
Povidone-Iodine Pads, Box / 100
Box of 100 individual packets
Sting Relief Swabs, 10 per unit box
Sting Relief Swabs (10 per unit)
Sting Relief Swabs (10 per unit)
Unit Box of 10 Crushable Swabs (Ampoules)
Sting Relief Wipes (10 wipes per unit box)
Sting Relief Wipes (10 wipes per unit box)
Unit Box of 10 Wipes
10 packets of Triple Antibiotic Ointment in unit box
Triple Antibiotic Ointment - unit box of 10 (0.9g)
Price: $2.50 per box
Triple Antibiotic Ointment - unit box of 10 (0.9g)
First aid to help prevent infection in minor cuts, scrapes, and burns
10 packets of Triple Antibiotic Ointment in unit box
Triple Antibiotic Ointment - unit box of 10 pkts (0.5g)
Price: $1.89 per box
Triple Antibiotic Ointment - unit box of 10 pkts (0.5g)
First aid to help prevent infection in minor cuts, scrapes, and burns
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